Case study - A Mother’s Hoarding

Case study - A Mother’s Hoarding – When does a family member’s hoarding become the deputy’s responsibility?

Course content


The case study is based on a vulnerable client’s mother who is suffering from hoarding that was raised to the deputy via a recent building survey due to concerns over fire safety within the property. Gemma will talk through the steps taken following receipt of the survey and will provide an honest summary of how she approached this with the case manager and family members. There is no quick fix and Gemma hopes to raise how complex and sensitive this matter is with some practical guidance for your own use as deputy.  
Points that will be covered:

  • What does hoarding mean?
  • An overview of recent caselaw covering hoarding.
  • Case study – this is a client under a deputyship where their mother is suffering from hoarding, a discussion over the steps being taken to support the family
  • Actions taken by a deputy to address hoarding at P’s home 
  • Protecting P’s property and assets in relation to hoarding at the home
  • Third parties involved – building surveyor, case manager, carers, family  
  • Preventative measures – working with the family overtime 
  • Reporting to the OPG 

About Lifetime Lawyers case study sessions

A leading expert will craft a case study which you will receive in advance of the session. They will go through the key issues with you during the session.

A week after the session, you will be sent a set of key learning points that you will be able to use in your day to day practice.


About the speaker

Gemma Hopper

Gemma is the Legal Director and Solicitor at Nelsons, leading their Court of Protection, Trust and Charity Administration Team. Gemma qualified with the Office of the Public Guardian as an in-house Government Lawyer and now leads a team of seven providing deputyship services to clients with complex care needs following an acquired brain injury.

Gemma became a Director of the Association of Lifetime Lawyers in March 2023 and is looking forward to hosting her first training case study. Gemma has recently been appointed as Vice-Chair for COPPA East Midlands and hopes to bring more regional support for Court of Protection practitioners. 


9/5/2024 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Registration not available.

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